Former Illinois Governor George Ryan for the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize
University of Illinois College of Law Professor Francis A. Boyle nominated former Illinois Governor George Ryan for the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize because of his courageous, heroic and principled opposition to the racist and class-based Death Penalty system in America. Due to George Ryan`s continued and proven commitment to seek justice for the poor, the oppressed, the downtrodden, and People of Color in America, he has become one of a handful of courageous voices calling for an end to the repressive political, legal, and social climate that keeps the death penalty alive in this country. George Ryan has performed more effective work against the death penalty than the entire American abolitionist movement put together.
As a consequence he has drawn the vindictive attention of the stridently pro-death penalty U.S. Department of Justice. It is no coincidence that the racist and pro-death penalty U.S. Department of Justice indicted George Ryan for allegedly misappropriating $167,000 over a ten-year period of time soon after he had liberated 167 human beings from the Illinois death row, two-thirds of whom were People of Color. This indictment and persecution were designed to send a message to George Ryan and to the American abolitionist movement that the U.S. Department of Justice will continue to fight its rearguard action against the mortally wounded death penalty system in America. It was Governor George Ryan who inflicted that grievous blow upon the entire American death penalty system. He is now paying a very heavy price for his courage, integrity, and principles. For that reason, he richly deserves to win the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize. Governor Ryan is one of 191 registered Candidates for the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize. The name of the recipient will be announced in mid-October 2006.
Professor Boyle may be contacted for comments or interviews at the at the following:
Phone: 1-217-333-7954
Fax: 1-217-244-1478
Email: committee@stopcapitalpunishment.org
Website: http://www.stopcapitalpunishment.org
Visit our web site for complete information about Ryan’s work
and our campaign to support him.
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